Designer (BGG) Isaac Childres
Categorie Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Limba regulamentului HU
Cunoștințe lingvistice Dependent lingvistic
Număr de jucători 1-4
Vârsta minimă recomandată 14+
Nivel de dificultate Medium-Hard (3)
Număr ideal de jucători Best with 2 players (372 votes)
Durata jocului 120 de minute
ID 291457
Tip boardgame
Mecanismul jocului Action Queue, Action Retrieval, Campaign / Battle Card Driven, Communication Limits, Cooperative Game, Critical Hits and Failures, Deck Construction, Grid Movement, Hand Management, Hexagon Grid, Legacy Game, Line of Sight, Multi-Use Cards, Once-Per-Game Abilities, Player Elimination, Role Playing, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Simultaneous Action Selection, Solo / Solitaire Game, Variable Player Powers

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
István Kulcsár

Nem a legkönnyebb társasok egyike. Egy több estés kaland, stratégiával megfűszerezve. RPG elemek a hasonló számítógépes játékok kedvelőinek. Nem kezdő társas. Mi a baráti körben nagyon kedveltük.

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