Designer (BGG) Cole Wehrle
Categorie Animals, Fantasy, Negotiation, Territory Building, Wargame
Limba regulamentului HU
Cunoștințe lingvistice Dependent lingvistic
Număr de jucători 2-4
Vârsta minimă recomandată 10+
Nivel de dificultate Medium-Hard (3)
Număr ideal de jucători Best with 4 players (1021 votes)
Durata jocului 60 de minute
ID 237182
Tip boardgame
Mecanismul jocului Action Points, Action Queue, Action Retrieval, Area Majority / Influence, Area Movement, Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Multi-Use Cards, Negotiation, Point to Point Movement, Race, Sudden Death Ending, Take That, Variable Player Powers, Variable Set-up

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